How Korean Guys Show Interest | 5 Best Ways To Know If He’s Into You
Do you want to know how to Korean guys show interest? Well, in this article you can a Korean guy’s attitude towards girls and how to make a Korean guy fall in love with you.
Korean culture is closely related to the idea of “romance”. So it can be difficult to tell how Korean guys show interest.
Thanks to the romcoms and cheesy sitcoms that have gained widespread popularity in such a short time.
The leading actors are widely loved by the audience because of the chemistry between them and the portrayal of love and friendship in their television series and sitcoms.
Most of us have fantasized about dating a Korean guy after getting addicted to one of the Korean dramas.
The leading men in most Korean dramas and films are handsome, charming and smart enough to make anyone fall for these Korean actors.
Related: Top Reasons Why Korean Culture Is Popular Worldwide
Korean culture is unique from western culture and so are the people and their ways of expressing emotions.
So it is important to understand a Korean man before approaching him or dropping hints that you like him.
Are you wondering how to make your Korean crush fall head-over-heels for you or Are you wondering if your Korean date is actually interested in you?
Read on to find out the different ways in which Korean guys show interest if they are smitten by you.
How Korean Guys Show Interest
They are always on the phone with you

If your Korean boyfriend spends his free time talking to you or texting you on the phone, he considers you worthy enough of his time and chances are high that he might be interested in you.
Koreans love their gadgets because most of them are hooked on social media and the instant messaging apps on the phone.
The latest technology in smartphones in the country has been feeding into the obsession of millions of Koreans.
It is also easy to access Wifi since it is available everywhere in Korea and a lot of phones come with unlimited data packages.
Most of us are reluctant to text our partners or dates thinking it might be too soon to show interest, but Koreans do not shy away from texting their partners.
In fact, it is common that they would want to know every single detail about your day including what you ate and what you are doing.

So be sure to update your partner about your day because they are looking forward to learning more about you and their favourite way is through text messages or calls unless you are physical with them of course!
It is completely normal to establish this type of communication to learn more about a person among Koreans.
You should also make sure to text him to know more about his day. This will let him know that you are interested in him and accelerate some sort of communication from his side if the feelings are mutual.
This is such a good tendency because it is important to be open and communicate with your partners so that there are no subconscious barriers.
It also makes the other person feel special and wanted, and helps the relationship move faster.
They strive to be “Oppa”

If you are a fan of Korean films or TV series, you might be familiar with the word “Oppa”.
Oppa is a type of Korean honorific generally used to respectfully denote a male who is older than you. But with regards to dating, Oppa has a wider definition in Korea.
“Oppa” is something that every Korean guy wishes to strive for in a relationship.
This means that they want to embody the characteristics of an “Oppa”, that is being protective, respected and responsible in a relationship.
This tendency can be a big win-win in the relationship if you are someone who likes that kind of attention and it is always a good thing to have mutual respect.
So if your Korean date does those little things like opening the car door for you, pulling the chair for you, giving his coat when you are feeling warm, chances are he might really like you.

They love to be chivalrous with their partners and make their partners feel safe and secure.
However, this trait could have its downsides as well. A lot of Korean men have certain expectations of how their partner should act and behave.
WIth the chivalrous attitude of the men, women are expected to be submissive, respectful, demure and always listen to what their partner says and not talk back or pass judgement.
Although this is not that common, it is important to look for red flags early on in the relationship.
They are very protective towards you
This is one of the most common traits found in Korean men. Because of the chivalrous nature seen in them, they tend to be very protective of their partners.
This is also commonly depicted in Korean movies and tv series. The characters go to extreme lengths to protect their partners from any sort of harm.
This is also easily understood through the body languages in couples.
Koren men tend to put a protective arm around their girlfriend’s waist while walking in the streets. They can also be described as a “simp” according to pop culture.
They are always very considerate about their partner and always tend to carry shopping bags or hold their girlfriend’s handbags while she is shopping.

Korean men can also be described as a gentleman since they are extremely caring and compassionate.
If your Korean partner is super helpful and offers to help you in every situation, holds an umbrella when it is raining and carries your groceries for you, he is really starting to like you.
Deciding who pays the bill

The debate about who pays the bill has been going around for quite some time now.
While it is mostly the men who reach towards the bill during first dates, women have also started paying bills during dinner dates or coffee dates.
There are two approaches to this particular situation in Korea. The traditional approach is to let the men take the responsibility of paying the bill for every date.
If your Korean date insists that he will pay the bill, chances are that this is not the last time he will do it.
However, it is also common for Korean men who practice this approach to feel a bit superior to their partners.
This might lead them to believe that you should be submissive and patronise him while spending time together.
The other approach, which is a more modern school of thought is that the partners alternate between payments.
For example, if your man pays for dinner, you pay for soju at the next shop or the next coffee or tea date or whatever your next expense is.
This trend is definitely a good change in Korean society as it helps in breaking down gender-based stereotypes and helps in bringing some sort of equality.
It also eliminates any feeling of obligation or patronizing that might otherwise arise in such situations.
At the end of the day, It all comes down to the mentality of the Korean guy you are dating. Wait until the second date or the second stop of the date to find out what approach he is into.
The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the date.
Non-Verbal Communication

Koreans use their body to indicate if they like you or not. There are certain gestures and changes in the body language that can give you a clear indication that the guy is into you.
Lips – The lips can really give off non-verbal messages about what’s in his heart. If a korean man likes you, he will give out a genuine smile.
Moreover, he will lick his lips before talking to you. This denotes excitement and is a clear sign that he is into you.
Eyes – This is one of the easiest ways to find out if he is interested. If he tends to stare into your eyes while holding a conversation, this is a clear indicator of his interest.
You might also be able to catch him with a look of male desire in this case.

Hands – A Korean man’s arms can give subtle hints about his intentions towards you.
If he uncovers the palm of his hand towards you or rests his elbow in the palm of the other hand during a conversation, he is interested in getting to know you.
Other traits include touching his jawline, cheeks and chest with his hands.
How to get a Korean guy to notice you?
Learn the do’s and don’t’s of Korean dating culture – It’s important to the dos and don’ts of Korean romantic and sexual culture. The best way to do this is to show the proper respect to the other person by calling them “oppa”. It’s also best to keep physical contact at a minimum.
Learn a few compliments for your Korean man – If you want to really impress a Korean boy, how about learning a few compliments in Korean. The most imporant thing to learn would be “sarangaheyo” or I love you.
Playing hard to get works here – This advice might seem outdated or even counterproductive in the western world. But if you’re all mysterious and hard to get, it’s sure to get a Korean guy interested in you.
So does being more feminine – South Korea is big on gender roles and norms. You don’t have to completely change yourself or your aesthetic. But if you want to, adopting a more feminine vibe can make you attractive to a Korean guy.
Be “Aegyo” or cutesy – It’s like the Korean verison of the cutesy “Kawaii” girl. Aegyo is all about being sweet and doll-like. Again don’t overdo it or attempt it at all if it’s not your natural personality.
Prepare to communicate via messaging almost all the time – A lot of Koreans communicate heavily through messaging apps. So be prepared to recieve a barrage of texts almost all times of the day.
How Korean Guys Flirt (Are They Even Flirty?)
Thinking of dating South Korean guys or finding yourself a South Korean boyfriend? Then the best way to flirt is not to flirt! Confused? Well, the average Korean guy is not well-versed in the art of flirting. Or rather these shy peeps do not consider verbal let alone physical flirting a “love language”.
Most Korean men have shy natures and taking things slow when it comes to relationships is a part of their culture.
So don’t be alarmed if your Korean crush doesn’t even hold your hand till it’s the third date.
Most South Koreans also participate in sogaeting, which is when a group of girls and guys go out on dates together to see if anyone from the group has chemistry and starts dating. So one-on-one flirting is not something that is very common in South Korea.
Hugging and open physical displays of affection are also not a common part of Korean culture.
What is the dating scene like in South Korea
The dating scene in South Korea is an intriguing mix of traditional and modern culture. Koreans are very family oriented, so it’s not uncommon for them to introduce their potential dates to the family and apply parental approval for the relationship.
In most cases, the decision is mutual, and the couple visits each other’s families to make it official. In a culture that values traditional values, like loyalty, commitment, and respect, Korean guys have traditionally been known to express interest in a more subtle manner.
They may silently slip a gift into the person’s bag, hang out more often, or send them messages letting them know they’re on their minds.
There are even special occasions where a Korean guy will go above and beyond by presenting a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates or a traditional Korean gift.
Korean guys are also known to be very romantic, taking their dates out on dinner dates and offers of gifts.
Since cash is so valuable in South Korea, many wonder why they even bother to spend it on dates when they can just as easily give it to the person.
But that’s part of the beauty of South Korean culture; it’s not always about the money but more about the thought and consideration put into the gesture of kindness that really matters.
The dating scene in South Korea is unique and offers plenty of opportunities for its locals to find true love and companionship.
Oftentimes, it’s from these subtle displays of interest that a real connection is made, and true relationships bloom.
How to guys in South Korea woo and marry women
When it comes to wooing and marrying women in South Korea, guys are typically quite thoughtful and direct in their approach.
First, they’ll express their affections for a woman overtly, often by giving her cards, flowers or gifts. These gifts may represent the guy’s intents towards the woman, usually in the form of jewelry or clothing.
He may also take her out to dinner or buy her favorite snacks. All these gestures are meant to create a strong connection between them and prove how much he cares for her.
Once a man has expressed his interest in a woman, he’s likely to be more direct in showing and communicating his affections. This may include writing elaborate love letters and courting the woman in a traditional manner.
He may even take her out to a romantic location and carry out a traditional Korean proposal ceremony. In South Korean culture, it’s also common for relatives to put pressure on a man to propose if he’s been dating a woman for a certain amount of time.
This is why it’s important for Korean men to make sure they’re absolutely sure about getting married before allowing any pressure to force them into making a decision.
Once this decision is made, the groom and the bride are required to have a traditional ceremony called the “Guje,” which involves a ritual of kneeling, bowing, and drink offering.
This ceremony is often followed by festivities like a lavish wedding banquet, and a variety of traditional dances that represent different aspects of life, such as joy, hope, and salutation.
All in all, South Korean men are typically quite thoughtful and romantic when it comes to wooing and marrying a woman he fancies.
While traditional rituals still play a role in how South Korean men approach relationships, they’ve also adapted to changing times and express their affections through modern gestures like romantic getaways and gifts.
FAQs About Korean Guy Attitudes Toward Relationship
How to know if Korean guy likes you through text?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to know if a Korean guy likes you through text depends on his individual texting style. However, some tips that may help include being communicative and regularly sending positive messages. If he responds positively in return, it might be a sign that he is interested in getting closer to you.
What do Korean guys find attractive in foreigners?
There isn’t a lot of difference in 2022 between Korean girls and foreign girls. But nevertheless, there might be some cultural differences that Korean guys find attractive. Also, Korean men vary depending on their individual backgrounds and experiences. However, some general trends that Korean men typically find attractive in foreigners include: slim body types, high cheekbones, dark eyes, and a porcelain skin complexion.
How do Korean people flirt?
Korean people flirt by using a number of flirty phrases and words. Some examples include:
“Aegyo” (애교, affection), which is a term for showing strong love or care for someone. It’s often used in romantic contexts.
“I love you” (사랑해, Saranghae), which is a simple but powerful phrase that shows that you really care about the other person.
“You’re so pretty” (차마다리게, Chapmaji), which is often used to compliment someone’s appearance. It can also be used as an endearment.
“You’re sweet” (너무 사랑했어, Nume Saranghae), which is a polite way of saying “you’re lovely.”
Korean guys are not flirtatious and they can be extremely shy and introverted. So it is equally important for you to approach the guy to accelerate the connection.
This will get them excited and interested.
There is no harm in making the move here and you cannot expect them to ask you out even if they are interested in you mostly because of their shy nature.
This is especially common if you are a foreign tourist in Korea.
The men will be reluctant to approach you first in this situation. In the early stages of dating, you will notice that there is a lot of difference between Korean and Western styles of dating.
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