How to make Korean eyebrow

How To Make Korean Eyebrow | A 4-Step Guide To Perfect Eyebrows

The Korean eyebrow trend has finally caught up in the West thanks to K-pop and K-drama becoming increasingly popular here. 

While the shift to Korean makeup didn’t occur overnight, this trend is here to stay because more and more people are accepting this new way to shape brows. 

Even celebrities aren’t shying away from this trend that has taken the world by storm.  

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What is a Korean eyebrow?

korean eyebrow shape for round face

So, what exactly is the Korean eyebrow? Typically, the Korean eyebrow is quite different in how it is made compared to an American eyebrow. 

In Korea, straight eyebrows are preferred for a more natural yet subtle defined look. In America, arched eyebrows are preferred which are generally bold and dramatic.

This doesn’t mean that straight eyebrows are not flaunted in the West by those who have straight brows. Some stellar examples include actresses like Natalie Portman and Jessica Alba who always sport a straight eyebrow look because their original eyebrow shape is exactly like that.

The key distinction is the result of the eyebrows.

With a Korean eyebrow, you achieve a soft eyebrow shape that isn’t too much out there. Straight eyebrows are preferred in Korea mainly because of two reasons. 

First, straight brows make the face appear more youthful and innocent. Second, it is easier to make straight brows on Korean eyebrows because the eyebrows are naturally shaped that way. This allows for easy shaping.

Of course, an American eyebrow is still possible on Korean eyebrows but it would require quite some tweezing and hard work! With an American eyebrow that is arched and thick, you instantly get a more mature look in comparison.

The Korean eyebrow look is best for those ladies who have an oval face shape because it tends to make the face look smaller. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try it! Maybe you can come up with a way to adapt the Korean eyebrow to suit your face shape and features.

 How To Make Korean Eyebrow 2022

Here is a simple guide to making Korean eyebrows.

Step 1: Pluck out the extras eyebrow hairs

how to make korean straight eyebrows

Before you sit down to make your eyebrows, you want to ensure there are no extras so that the result is straight and neat eyebrows. If you see any eyebrow hair that falls out of the natural straight shape that you are trying to achieve, then pluck them out. But before that, make a mental note of the shape.

Generally, you will find small extra eyebrow hair a little above your natural brows and they will be pretty easy to spot. Make sure you do that carefully because you can accidentally pull off the ones that will contribute to the straight eyebrow shape.

Ok so plucking more eyebrow hair than you intended is not the end of the world. While you can fill the space with a product, why make your job harder in the first place? Take your time to ensure only the extra and unnecessary eyebrows are being removed only.

What if you have an obvious arch that is stopping you from the straight eyebrows look? Then use a concealer after trimming off the eyebrows that make the arch. Dab the concealer with your fingers so that it is not as visible anymore.

Step 2: Outline the eyebrows in a straight shape

how to get straight korean eyebrows

You want to find an eyebrow pencil that is closest to the color of your eyebrow hair to ensure it looks completely natural. You can use more than one pencil if necessary, such as brown and black. However, ensure that you are not getting eyebrow pencils that are far away from your natural brow hair color.

For instance, if you have brown eyebrows then avoid black pencils because the brown and black won’t merge properly and will be too visible under certain light conditions. This depends on the lighting too but to be safe, it is best to choose eyebrow pencils that are the closest match to your real brow color.

You need to then outline the eyebrows starting from the inner part of the eyebrow to the end of the eyebrow. This is what will constitute the straight eyebrow and so you need to be careful that you do it with care. You want to create a thin outline because you will be shading in your eyebrows next.

Step 3: Start filling in the eyebrows

how to make eyebrows like korean

Now is the time that you are going to be using the eyebrow pencil or pencils to fill in your eyebrows to achieve that Korean eyebrow look. You should do this with caution because overcoloring will make you get boy-like eyebrows which is not a bad thing but it won’t give you the proper look you want to get.

You need to shade depending on how dark the eyebrow area is. Different areas of your eyebrows will be in different shades. That is, some areas will be really light because of a lack of hairs while others will be darker due to more hairs. You want to shade accordingly to ensure uniform shading.

The best way to shade your eyebrows is to use short strokes that mimic the length of your hair. This way, it will give the most realistic look to your eyebrows. If you simply color it in, your eyebrows won’t look as pretty. Yes, it is time and effort inducing but it is definitely worth the time for a flawless result.

When shading in your eyebrows, you want to build it gradually so that the color stays for longer. Plus, it will look much better than if you simply started with large strokes from the start and darkened the eyebrows too early.

Step 4: Blend it to get a soft, natural look

korean eyebrow products

The last step requires you to blend it all so that your brows look naturally stunning. The heart of the Korean eyebrow trend is that it looks natural and gorgeous. When you are blending, make sure that the lines are not as visible anymore and the color is not bleeding out of the eyebrow shape.

If you see that the color is coming out of the eyebrow shape, then slowly remove it to ensure a smooth straight eyebrow appearance. When you do this, ensure you are not disturbing the color of the eyebrows in the process because you will have to redo sections in case you mess up.

You can blend with your fingers gently or with a cotton swab; whichever is more comfortable for you. If you use your fingers, you don’t want to blend too harshly otherwise your eyebrow hair might come off. You want to be super gentle during the entire process.

Korean Eyebrow Products: What you need to get the perfect Korean eyebrow look

Eyebrow pencils aren’t the only ones that you need to use to get your eyebrows ready for the Korean eyebrow makeover! Here are some other products you should consider getting if you are considering sporting the Korean eyebrow look for longer.

Eyebrow powder

If you are a beginner then you may want to start with something really simple. The eyebrow powder is the answer! It provides one of the best and easiest ways to fill in your brows with minimal chances of messing up. You can easily build the look and get more defined brows in no time.

You can start with Skinfood Choco Eyebrow Powder Cake and Clio Kill Brow Eyebrow Pencil. Or if you want something that costs more but is stellar in terms of performance, then you can try the Anastasia Brow Powder Duos and 3CE Eyebrow Kit.

Brow tint

Koreans love to use brow tint on their eyebrows because it is an effortless way of ensuring the brows stay as they should for a longer time. A brow tint gives a softer brow look but it makes the brow appear fuller without overdoing it in any way. Some of the best tints include Etude House Tine My 4-Tip Brow and Missha Seven Days Tinted Eyebrow.

You can opt for cream gels and gel tints too which require some practice though! You just have to apply these products and allow them to dry before you peel them away to reveal a tint on your eyebrows. An example is the Etude House Color My Brows.


A cushion is also a good product to fill in your brows. An example is the Laneige Eyebrow Cushion-Cara that comes in a liquid-to-powder formula. You simply have to put the product on the brush and then you comb your brows. That’s it!

The cushion is best for those who want more definition in their eyebrows and those who want a darker shade of eyebrows than their original. If you are drawing strokes to fill in brows then this product is excellent for that purpose too.

The Korean eyebrow trend is worth trying for anyone who wants to get that instant innocent face and natural eyebrow look. 

It will take some practice if you are a beginner, but it shouldn’t be so tough for those who are used to making their eyebrows.  

Have you tried it yet? If so, did you notice the changes to your face? 

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